In making your overall recommendation, please take into account your reasons to accept and reject the paper, as well as the paper's appropriateness for the conference. Papers describing accepted demonstrations will be published in a companion volume of the EMNLP 2021 conference proceedings. Alternatively, you can take a train from Bistria to Nsud via Beclean pe Some in around 2h 22m. Schedule (in local time) Taxi from Bistria to Nsud. Long Papers; Short Papers; System Demonstrations; Student Research Workshop; Note that the titles/authors may change and papers may be withdrawn. ARR papers committed to EMNLP will be handled by the Senior Area Chairs. The committee membership will be listed on the EMNLP 2021 webpage. Accepted papers | EMNLP 2021 Accepted papers Main Conference Long papers Short papers Demos Findings Long papers Short papers Main Conference Long Papers Contextualize Knowledge Bases with Transformer for End-to-end Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems Yanjie Gou, Yinjie Lei, Lingqiao Liu, Yong Dai and Chunxu Shen Authors submitting more than one paper to EMNLP 2022 must ensure that their submissions do not overlap significantly (>25%) with each other in content or results. This policy covers all refereed and archival conferences and workshops (e.g., NeurIPS, ACL workshops). Authors of papers accepted for presentation at EMNLP 2021 must notify the program chairs by the camera-ready deadline if they wish to withdraw the paper. Main Conference; System Demonstrations; Industry Track; Note that the titles/authors may change and papers may be withdrawn. Short Text Topic Modeling with Topic Distribution Quantization and Negative Sampling Decoder. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for EMNLP 2018. WiNLP provided financial support to authors from around the world who chose to attend EMNLP in-person. For in-person attendees, events will be held at the Barcel Bvaro Convention Centre in Punta Cana, the Dominican Republic. Further information Papers that have been or will be submitted to workshops, conferences or journals during the review period must indicate so at submission time. Chengyu Wang, Minghui Qiu, jun huang and XIAOFENG HE. Papers submitted directly to EMNLP will have the "regular" review process: paper reviewed by 3 reviewers, authors are invited to write an author response and revise their paper before the camera ready deadline, if accepted. papers can be dual-submitted to both EMNLP 2020 and an EMNLP workshop which has its submission deadline falling after our original notification date of August 8, 2020; In addition, we will not consider any paper that overlaps significantly in content or results with papers that will be (or have been) published elsewhere. EMNLP 2021 will not consider any paper that is under review in a journal or another conference at the time of submission, and submitted papers must not be submitted elsewhere during the EMNLP 2021 review period. Main Conference. Xiaobao Wu, Chunping Li, Yan Zhu and Yishu Miao. We will search the proceedings and request the authors to change the citations before it gets published to ACL anthology. Exmitiani. Bus operators. ARR papers committed to EMNLP will be handled by the Senior Area Chairs. Other operators. EMNLP 2021. Widening NLP will be a hybrid workshop at EMNLP 2021. For online attendees calling in from around the world, events will be held on Underline and on Zoom. View the accepted submissions here. Acceptable short submissions include: small, focused EMNLP 2022 will also accept submissions of ARR-reviewed papers, provided that the ARR reviews and meta-reviews are available by the ARR-to-conference submission deadline. For the final titles/authors, please refer to the proceedings on the anthology when they are out. Direct paper submission deadline (long & short papers) June 24, 2022: Submission deadline for ARR papers: July 24, 2022: Author response period: Aug 23 - Aug 29, 2022: Notification of acceptance (long & short papers) Oct 6, 2022: Camera-ready papers due (long & short papers) Oct 21, 2022: Workshops & Tutorials: December 7-8, 2022: Conference . For the final titles/authors, please refer to the proceedings on the anthology. Accepted Papers On this page. The ethics committee will recommend, for each flagged paper whether to accept as is, reject on ethical grounds (with explanation), conditional accept (with specification of what must be addressed). Romanian Railways (CFR) Interregional Calatori. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for EMNLP 2021 by the early registration deadline. Papers submitted directly to EMNLP will have the "regular" review process: paper reviewed by 3 reviewers, authors are invited to write an author response and revise their paper before the camera ready deadline, if accepted. Please note: Commercial sales and marketing activities are not appropriate in the Demonstrations Program and should be arranged as part of the Exhibit Program. Accepted papers will be presented orally or as a poster (at the discretion of the program chairs based on the nature rather than the quality of the work). TITA: A Two-stage Interaction and Topic-Aware Text Matching Model May 17, 2021 Submission deadline (long and short papers) July 11 - 17, 2021 Author response period August 25, 2021 Notification of acceptance (long & short papers) September 9, 2021 Camera-ready papers due (long & short papers) November 7 - 9, 2021 Main conference November 10 - 11, 2021 Workshop & Tutorials Accepted papers were presented online and in-person. Numr Dat Obiect Materie juridic Stadiu procesual; 1514/112/2020/a17: 28.10.2022: verificare msuri preventive (art.208 NCPP) Penal: Fond: 2416/186/2020 Main Conference. All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings. Main Conference. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the NLLP 2021 workshop must notify the organizers by the camera-ready deadline as to whether the paper will be presented or withdrawn. There will be no distinction in the proceedings between papers presented orally or as posters. There were undefined Long Papers and undefined Short Papers accepted to the main conference. There were 570 Long Papers and 208 . 7th - 11th November | Online and in the Dominican Republic . Main Conference Accepted Papers Long Papers Meta Fine-Tuning Neural Language Models for Multi-Domain Text Mining. Train operators. Best Demo Award Accepted Papers On this page. Exmitiani operates a bus from Bistria to Nsud hourly, and the journey takes 40 min. Note that some papers for authors who wished to remain anonymous or not publicly publish a Authors presenting their work at EMNLP Papers accepted at posters to Widening NLP 2021 are below. If you have changed your name and you are concerned that your previous name is being cited in EMNLP publications, email the EMNLP publication chairs by September 12, 2021 (the sooner the better!). Overall Recommendation - Short Paper Should this paper be accepted to EMNLP 2021?
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