How do you respond to flirting? Then convey what it means to you: "Thank you for saying so. How to Graciously Accept a Compliment: Go Minimal. How do you accept a compliment without being cocky? Thank you, I'm flattered. Don't downplay yourself 7. 4 Send a flirty compliment. Just say thank you. We often ruin compliments by devaluing the statement or acting overly humble. Reply Confidently When Complimented When you reply to a compliment, do it confidently. Thank you for the kind words. Sadly, women have been conditioned to believe that they should be modest, and being proud of your achievements or relishing in praise is conceited and boastful. You should always say, whatever the compliment is, "Thank you!" and smile. You might hear them from an older person, but from younger people, they might be used sarcastically. And to remind yourself that today, you are a child of God and He sees you worthy because of His Son. Compliment: You've come a long way since you started here. The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say "Thank you" or "Thank you; I appreciate your kind words." By accepting the compliment, you show gratitude for the other person's kind remarks and do not come off as vain, bashful or prideful.. read more How do you respond to a humble compliment? 2. If we aren't comfortable with it, we may try to repay (or "hot potato") the debt back as quickly as possible. Never brush them off as you will appear awkward and that makes them fe Continue Reading Blue Yaiden 'Thank you' or 'Thanks' are often all it takes to show a fan you appreciate their engagement. How to Respond to a Flirty Text from a Guy 1 Tease him to get him interested. (Ok, maybe you can be a douche every now and again ;)) I strongly encourage you to give it a go. Reciprocating the compliment with another one is another, and separate, question. How do you respond to a humbly compliment? YOU: "YOU KNOW IT!!". It is unassuming, humble and shows your gratitude. I really appreciate that!" and then stop talking. I've tried to compliment their works back but I always feel like it sounds insincere, like I'm only saying something nice about their work because they did about mine. The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say "Thank you" or "Thank you; I appreciate your kind words." By accepting the compliment, you show gratitude for the other person's kind remarks and do not come off as vain, bashful or prideful. To put it simply: Is running from a bear easier than accepting a heartfelt compliment? Don't raise your voice or say anything that is unclear or awkward, as you may make the giver regret complimenting you. #1 Say thank you Yep, it really is that easy. 5 Hint at exciting backstories when he compliments you. Just say thank you. My little mission to you is hopefully to inspire you to . I didn't think you'd be able to respond. This will make your team members feel good. By thanking them in this way, you're also showing that you're grateful that they pay enough attention to you to notice. Say "Thank You" The absolute best way to accept compliments gracefully is simply to say, "thank you." I really appreciate you saying that." The next time someone gives you a compliment, don't be self-deprecating. 1. Any time you receive a compliment, reply with "Thank you." It's a simple, but powerful phrase. The 'thanks for the compliment' reply 2. You measure your level of self-worth through your self-esteem. 2 - Acknowledge the Compliment and Give Credit to Others This is a great way for someone who feels awkward in accepting a compliment entirely upon themselves to respond. Compliment: You've come a long way since you . This shows that you appreciate the effort they've made to make you feel good. It's so hard not to laugh it off and say "yeah right! 2. Let's show a couple of examples of this. But the truth is, not accepting a compliment is hurtful to not only yourself, but to the person giving the compliment! "Thank you! Absorb the loveliness of the moment. It's a simple, but powerful phrase. People from any culture know exactly how the other person will respond to a compliment even before making that compliment; therefore, they unconsciously word their compliments so that the replies will "match" them in style and they can communicate. Accept it at face value. I've had it forever! Here's how they pull it off. How to respond to a compliment text? FRIEND: "I wish I could play guitar like you. For those who have been struck by impostor syndrome, the phrase "thank you" is almost always followed by the word "but." Thank you, but it really wasn't that big of a deal. Say things like "Thank you, my parents named me after a famous singer", "Thanks, I am using a shampoo that really helps", "Thanks, I bought it at", "Thanks, I have my grandmother's eyes", or, "Thanks, I really enjoy singing". Do say 'thank you'. Express your gratitude. Here are 30 ways you can respond when receiving recognition at work: Thank you for recognising my work. How do you respond to a humbly compliment? Example of a response to avoid: Let me tell you about it. When receiving a compliment slightly lean forward, maintain eye contact with the giver, and smile as you say, "thank you." 4. Please accept my deepest gratitude. When one of the women actually accepts a compliment with a gracious "thank you"a foreign concept to the . Resist the urge to discount yourself and, in doing so, the complimenter (let's pretend that's a real word just for today, okay?). How To Accept Compliments Humbly. Let's cover 7 common situations when we say all sorts of things, but should say "Thank You" instead. Probably a smile. Here are some . I always respond by saying thank you and smiling, they continue to compliment my work and I just lightly laugh to fill the silence. My low self esteem usually urges me to disagree with their compliment but that's even worse because then they feel obliged to insist on their statement and it feels like I'm pushing them to repeat it over and over again. Thank you for the compliment. Maybe they were motivated or trying to provoke some kind of reaction? The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say "Thank you" or "Thank you; I appreciate your kind words." By accepting the. CAR PASSENGER: "Nice parallel park.". 2. 7 Send a cute text to tell him you care. Thanks for having my back. Or because many people genuinely . When someone offers you a. The next time someone gives you a compliment, receive it well, be encouraged, and honor God and the person by saying thank you. Person 1: " You sound real nice." . 2. Until this point, I would have responded to . For example - if someone says to you 'Your hair looks fantastic' you could easily respond with 'Thank you, my hairdresser is fabulous and takes great care of me'. The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say "Thank you" or "Thank you; I appreciate your kind words." By accepting the compliment, you show gratitude for the other person's kind remarks and do not come off as vain, bashful or prideful. The first step in responding to a compliment gracefully, without being awkward, is to accept it. Let's hope not. How to respond to a compliment without feeling awkward The next time someone compliments you and you find yourself shuffling your toes awkwardly inside your shoes, take a breath, smile and use these any of these points below. Use the compliment right now as a positive antidote to negative energy. Take the bare minimum a bit further with a short and sweet response. When you are sure of what you're going to say, you can respond more genuinely when you do get a compliment. This is the easiest way to accept a compliment because you're not making things awkward by trying to 'justify' the compliment and you're not trying to detract from it. For many people, the first reaction is to deny it. Accept compliments with magical words that have worked for compliments past, present, and future: "Thank you." Variations include "Thank you, I appreciate the comment," "Thank you, it's kind of you to say," or "Thank you, it was a pleasure to be involved." The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say "Thank you" or "Thank you; I appreciate your kind words." By accepting the compliment, you show gratitude for the other person's kind remarks and do not come off as vain, bashful or prideful. You are no less" 6. Focus on them for a moment so they realise that you heard them. You simply have to understand 1) how you dismiss compliments, 2) why you have trouble accepting them outright, and 3) why and how you can graciously acknowledge and accept the praise of others. 1. The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say "Thank you" or "Thank you; I appreciate your kind words." By accepting the compliment, you show gratitude for the other person's kind remarks and do not come off as vain, bashful or prideful. If someone compliments you, there is no need to be shy about it. But when you deflect the comment, you fail to acknowledge the commenter. My husband will be driving and look over at me and say "you are so beautiful". Receive the compliment and gratitude as the gift that it is. :) 3 Try a sassy, short response. I couldn't have done it without you. Ways to Say Thank You | Thanks Synonym Image 1 I am grateful to hear that I am on the right track. If you're searching for the right words to help you respond to a compliment, smiling is a great way to immediately show your appreciation before acknowledging it verbally. Response: Oh, thank you. Receiving a compliment with grace and feeling good about it is easy if you remember to do three things. Appreciate the blessing. The Script: I make a very conscientious effort to look the person in the eye, give them a heartfelt "Thank you. The simplest, most direct way to do this is by simply saying "thank you." It can really be that simple. Exception to the rule While all responses are self-deprecating in some way, there is one more type of response I would like to add. Somehow just saying "thank you" makes me feel arrogant like I'm saying "I already knew that". If you simply said thank you and gave your boyfriend a kiss after . Practise a number of responses to compliments you regularly receive. Thank you, you've made my day.". Whether you agree with the compliment or not matters very little. We're all trained from an early age to express gratitude when someone else says or does something nice. Accept compliments with magical words that have worked for compliments past, present, and future: "Thank you." Variations include "Thank you, I appreciate the comment," "Thank you, it's kind of you to say," or "Thank you, it was a pleasure to be involved." Express your gratitude. Response: Thank you. One major characteristic of Japanese-style compliments is exaggeration. Just Say Thank You Instead, faster than you can say "pity party" I responded "Yeah, I feel that way about all my books," and the conversation moved on. Respond to a compliment text with a GIF 5. Use the compliment right now as a positive antidote to negative energy. Resist the "Oh, this old head of hair?! 3 . 1. Thanks to you. 2. A compliment is a gift, and you wouldn't put down or reject a gift from a friend; treat compliments the same way. Humbly say, "Thank you." It is the simplest phrase you can say, but it sends a powerful message. They Say "Thank You". The other person's motivations also matter very little. Just politely say 'Thank You' and then move the conversation on. With a nice girl like you helping you, things can't help but go well. Are you ready? I'm ready to return the favor, so ask for help any time of day or night. I'm a mess right now!" Maybe you get what I'm saying and can relate. If you want to get fancier you can say, "Thank you, I worked hard on that project." or "Thanks, it is so kind of you to notice." or "Thank you, that means a lot to me.". 10 Ways Compliments Are Dismissed Sociolinguists place compliment responses into 3 main categories: Accept, Deflect, and Reject. When someone pays you a compliment, it's important to accept it humbly. I'm glad you liked it!" "Thank you for acknowledging my work!" "I appreciate the thoughtful compliment. Say, "Oh stop it! 5. The simplest way to respond to a compliment is to say "thank you.". To remind yourself that you're still a sinner in need of Jesus. If you use these for genuine thanks, be sure that the other person knows youre being serious. Simply say two words"Thank you!". Thank you so much for your help. Thanks is an expression of gratitude, so cut to the chase. When someone gives you a compliment, generally they're trying to give you a positive boost. It means a lot to me. Someone compliments us, and rather than accepting the compliment or disagreeing, we simply return the compliment in kind. How do you respond to a compliment humbly? Make certain you don't undermine the compliment. Add a positive comment. Avoid phrases like, "Oh, it's . Also mention that the project could never have been completed had it not been for their support. . Compliments are not two-a-penny, and a positive response to encourage them is the least we can all do. Experiment with accepting compliments and notice anything good that happens as a result. Thank you!" "That means a lot coming from you." "That's so sweet of you!" Do say 'thank you'. The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say "Thank you" or "Thank you; I appreciate your kind words." By accepting the compliment, you show gratitude for the other person's kind remarks and do not come off as vain, bashful or prideful. Without it, none of the other steps in the list matter. 3. 15 Examples On How To Respond To A Compliment 1. Share compliments In case there is someone who compliments you along with your entire team, acknowledge the same and mention that you'll pass down the compliments to the other members of the team. . 2. When you receive a compliment, say something like, "Thank you, I appreciate your kind words." Don't try to one-up a compliment. This increases the positive . Say thank you. I owe you one. This doesn't mean you should take lightly the compliment or act like it's not a big deal - after all, the other person went out of their way to say something nice to you. I knowthis first point seems obvious. How do you respond to a compliment without sounding conceited? Tips To Boost Self-Esteem. This will prevent you from downplaying the compliment, while making the other person feel good . These ways of saying thank you are fairly outdated. But humble acceptance of a compliment shows that you are confident enough in yourself to not get a big head . Instead of saying, "this old thing", when someone comments on your frock, say "thank-you, I really love how I feel wearing this dress". There are four steps to properly receiving and responding to a compliment. #4 we don't trust when complimented It is often difficult to recognize whether the other person is sincere or not. Here it comes: Say "Thank you." Yep, that's it. Quit being apologists. Return the compliment 4. For example, someone may say, "Your hair looks great today!" Don't take that to mean your hair doesn't look great every other day. Say "thank you" and then send a compliment back. I really appreciate what you just said.". . That might be because loving yourself is seen as "arrogant". Show Your Appreciation With 25 Other Ways To Say "Thank You" I'm so grateful. Short and Sweet: Thank You. Smiling is a great way to show your colleagues and managers how you feel about a compliment or recognition. One final way that we respond to compliments is it's another way of shifting the reference is we just return the compliment. I was up until 3 a.m. every night this week. . It's a new look for me, so I appreciate the reassurance!" Acknowledging that someone is being kind to you is a nice way to respond to a compliment. It's nothing, really," comeback and be a gracious complimentee (let's pretend that's another word, just for today). Afterwards, I realised with a tinge of guilt that my response was dismissive bordering on rude. We can accept the compliment (no disagreement) but we immediately (less time spent on our self-praise reduces the discomfort we feel) make it about the other person (reciprocity). . "It's nice of you to say that. Compliment: "Your presentation was outstanding.". Don't trash a compliment; bask in it. That would insult them. Instead, when someone is commending you, Donaldson recommends actively listening and receiving the praise. 6 Give a genuine response. A compliment, however small, she says, is a big deal, and it's important to acknowledge it and allow the person to express their gratitude towards you or what you've done without interrupting them by saying it was nothing. 2 Respond with a funny one-liner. The person bestowing the compliment will be most receptive to a. For a longer response, you can also say "I appreciate that" or "you've made my day.". This short and easy expression of gratitude acknowledges the compliment and displays your appreciation. "Thanks, I am glad to hear that from you.". Practice saying "Thank you. Your compliment means so much to me personally.". Move the conversation on my day. & quot ; thanks, i would responded. Great way to respond or fill the space, the first step in responding to a compliment how to accept a compliment without saying thank you making! Was dismissive bordering on rude truth is, not accepting a compliment a GIF 5 be questioned Reading. Motivated or trying to give you a compliment awkward, is to say.! I didn & # x27 ; ve made my day. & quot ; more i try to to Say, & quot ; you & # x27 ; t undermine the compliment kind! Thank you. & quot ; you KNOW it!! & quot ; Oh it. Oh you & # x27 ; s show a couple of examples of this tell him care The subject person knows youre being serious take a compliment compliment text with a GIF 5 and the. 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