International Journal of Agricultural Research is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to publish high quality research work in the field of agricultural sciences. The Journal of Agricultural Science publishes papers concerned with the advance of agriculture and the use of land resources throughout the world. A skilled editorial team will screen all these articles primarily on their linguistic quality and topic appropriateness. Be awarded Certificate of Honor (electronic version). Introduction. About International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q3); Applied Mathematics (Q4); Statistics and Probability (Q4). It aims to promote the research in the feild of agriculture. 8, Issue 5, September 2022 ISSN Print: 2469-7877 Frequency: Bimonthly ISSN Online: 2469-7885 Recommend to Library Latest Articles About This Journal There will be Submission and Article Processing Fee (Publication Fee) of Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research TM ISSN(Online):2319-1473 "Submissions Open For Vol. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences Country India Universities and research institutions in India Subject Area and Category Agricultural and Biological Sciences Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) Mathematics Applied Mathematics Statistics and Probability Publisher DAV College H-Index 14 Publication type Publisher: DR RAM KISHAN, 606-10 SOUTH CIVIL LINE, DAV COLLEGE CAMPUS, DEPT STATISTICS, MUZZAFFARNAGAR, INDIA, 251-001 International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences Metrics 0.196 SJR 0.163 SNIP 5 H-Index 0.06 CiteScore General Information Frequency: Semiannual Open access: No Acceptance rate: Easy Official Website: The Open access tab (when present) shows the 4 most recently published open access articles. Skip to main content. It publishes original scientific work in all areas of agricultural science. To login, please select the journal from the dropdown menu. ISJis a principal publisher in the arena of Agricultural research, publishing highly respected, peer-reviewed journals. Publisher: The Society Of Agricultural Professionals Print ISSN: 0975-2315 Online ISSN: 2394-4471 Number of issues per year: 2 Print frequency: Half-Yearly Month(s) of publication: June and December Description: The Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) is one of the leading journals in the field of Agricultural and Allied Sciences including Agricultural Engineering and Home Science . Food and Agriculture Spectrum Journal (Journals indexed in globally recognized databases).. Step 3: Upload your Manuscript and complete the necessary information and submit. International Journal of Agricultural Research. A peer-reviewed, open access journal in forestry, animal husbandry, agronomy, agricultural sciences, rural development & environmental sciences. Agricultural Systems is an international journal that deals with interactions - among the components of agricultural systems, among hierarchical levels of agricultural systems, between agricultural and other land use systems, and between agricultural systems and their natural, social and economic environments.Manuscripts submitted to Agricultural Systems generally should include both of the . IJANS is an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal published electronically and three-yearly by the Anatolia Academy of Sciences. The agriculture journal provides the choice of both open access and subscription mode of publication to the authors and publishes almost all types of write-ups like research articles, reviews, case reports, case studies, commentary, letters to the editor, mini-reviews, opinion, short communication, book review, editorials, etc. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences is an English language, peer-review scholarly publication which publishes research articles and critical reviews from every field of Agricultural sciences and plant science. IJASC publishes original research findings on all theoretical and applied aspects of the agricultural sciences, as well as reviews of scientific books or other publications of agricultural relevance. IJAR has got Impact factor of 6.118 and highest Index Copernicus value of 56.43. Agriculture was the key improvement in the ascent of inactive human progress, whereby cultivating of trained species made nourishment surpluses that sustained . The website offers beyond the online versions of the articles also a discussion platform, news, and interviews. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for aca-demicians, researchers and practitioners all over the world to pro-mote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in all areas of Agricultural Science. Publisher country is India. No. Articles in the Annals of Bangladesh Agriculture are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Font Times New Roman, font size 12, single spacing, margin 2.5 cm should be used when writing the paper. It is published by DAV College. % accepted last year. The aim of the journal is to promote research and development in the fields of agricultural, applied agricultural and statistical sciences and other allied fields. IJANS is published in English. Manuscripts will only be accepted for consideration if it complies with the applicable requirements and topics of the journal. All manuscript papers, together with supporting documents, should be sent via the website of the journal or by e-mail to or Get access to International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences details, facts, key metrics, recently published papers, top authors, submission guidelines all at one place. Any difficulties may communicate with Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology office: Green Engineering society Jl. Welcome to the International Scholars Journals area of ISJ. It publishes original scientific work related to strategic, applied and interdisciplinary studies in all aspects of agricultural science and exploited species, as well as reviews of scientific topics of current agricultural relevance. Based on 2020, SJR is 0.194. Introduction: Quality of Life (QOL) among elderly is a neglected issue especially in developing countries including India. The main subject areas of published articles are Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous), Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Probability, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY. The Trending tab shows articles that have accumulated the . Submissions open. The journal publishes papers including but not limited to the following topics: Agricultural Systems, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Business, Agricultural Computational Models and . Journal Name: * Please consider . Journal Information International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences (IJANS) is an international non-profit, open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal. Focus and Scope. Get Discount Code. * Please consider author guidelines before article submission. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistics Sciences Geometric Gamma Max-Infinitely Divisible Models Article February 2008 Satheesh Sreedharan Edakkunni Sandhya A transformation of. Published by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences is an open access journal published by the Graduate Program of Andalas University. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) is an open access, peer-reviewed, International Journal, that provides rapid publication (monthly) of research articles, review articles and short communications in all subjects. The manuscript should be written in MS-Wordin, doc, docx, format. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (IJAMSS) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, published by IASET. ISSN 2348-4519 (Online) Make a Submission We invite original, high-quality, cutting-edge scientific research papers for the upcoming Vol./Issue from the authors as per the scope of the journal. Accepted papers will appear online within 3-4 weeks after their submission. The objective of The International Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS) (ISSN: 2167-0447) as a multi-disciplinary, open access research journal is to provide a publication outlet (on monthly basis) for the increasing flow of scholarly research articles. IJSAMI establishes an international state-of-the-art knowledge platform bringing together agricultural management functions and informatics modules to establish effective communication channels. Hard Copy of Certificate. n/a. Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Scope. Publisher: Academic Journals Inc., USA. Copyright - 2022 Online Manuscript Submission System- MSW. DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone. Read full text articles or submit your research for publishing. The focus is to publish quality papers on state-of-the-art of Agriculture. Full-text articles available. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology is an international research journal, which publishes top-level work from all areas of Agricultural and Food Science including pure research in the various sciences associated with food; and practical experiments designed to improve technical processes.Areas and subareas of interest include: raw material composition to consumer . The Journal's emphasis is on theoretical developments and their . Once your proposal is accepted, you will serve as the Lead Guest Editor. The International Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJASC) is an open access journal published by the Graduate School of Andalas University. Total Number of Pages. The Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (JABES) publishes papers of immediate and practical value to applied researchers and statistical consultants in the agricultural sciences, the biological sciences (including biotechnology), and the environmental sciences (including those dealing with natural resources). The Latest tab shows the 4 most recently published articles. The Editors wish to continue the policy of the Journal, since its foundation in 1964 of publishing papers in all aspects of agricultural sciences and reflecting the considerable and continuing changes in agriculture. Select Your Country. Scope of the journal includes: Agronomy, crop physiology, crop science, horticulture . B = the total number of citations published during 2019 and 2020. The International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) publishes high-quality original research papers, together with short communications & review articles. Raya Negara Km.7 Tanjung Pati 26271 Kec. Harau Kab 50 Kota Sumatera Barat, Phone: +6281374680225; The authors may propose names of competent Peer-Reviewers in their field who hold a doctoral degree and with their . Manuscript Submissions are open for International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural sciences, an Open Access Journal. The Most cited tab shows the top 4 most cited articles published within the last 3 years. The journal aims to improve the research culture and help knowledge spread rapidly in the academic world by providing a common academic platform. Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy Agricultural sciences, disciplines dealing with food, Nutrition and crops production, processing and Storage. According to the ICMJE authorship criteria should be based on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design of, or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data, 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and 3) final approval of the version to be published. J. of Sci. This journal is a peer reviewed journal devoted to publish original research / review articles in all fields of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences. Manuscript Preparation To facilitate the review process, we strongly encourage you to follow the templates and guidelines below to prepare your manuscript. 44 161 768 3647. The topics covered by the journal comprehend . Plant and crop science, soil science, animal science, environmental science and the relationships between them are covered. The International Journal of Agricultural Science is an open access journal. IJASC publishes original research findings from throughout the world related to strategic and applied studies in all aspects of agricultural science, as well as reviews of scientific books or other publications of current agricultural relevance. Over 18 years and volumes of publication, IJAS has published more than 350 papers addressing positive transformations towards sustainable agricultural systems. World Journal of Agricultural Research ISSN (Print . Recent r These channels are important for sustainable and effective decision making in agriculture, food and the environment which in turn contribute to productivity, competitiveness and sustainable development. The latest version of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS (SJIAOS) June 2022, Volume . n/a. Get your name listed on the journal website. Articles published last year. Article Processing Charge. Items Guidelines Length A new method is proposed to . Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences: An International Journal is a bi-monthly peer reviewed research Journal, published by the Center for Advanced Research in Agricultural Sciences, devoted to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge covering all disciplines related to agricultural sciences. And you will be entitled to the following benefits. The Most read tab shows the top 4 most viewed articles published within the last 12 months. Agriculture is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal and other products used to sustain and upgrade human life. The Genesis of Science Research and Literature Foundation (Reg. Journal info (provided by editor) The editor of International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences has not yet provided information for this page. International Journal of Food Science and Biotechnology Engineering Science American Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences Vol. The Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development (JAEID) is an international, multidisciplinary journal publishing original research and technical papers concerning activities devoted to International Development in the Global South, particularly associated with marginalized and resource-limited contexts.. Int. Contribute to and receive recognition from the academic community. 11,Issue 2, Sept. - Oct. 2022", IJAIR NAAS Score : 3.99 (2016-2020) IJAIR ( ICV : 80.67 ) is an international academic online journal which gains a foothold in India, Asia and opens to the world . The main subject areas of published articles are Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous), Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Probability, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY. IJAS aims at increasing scientific investigation and the publication of authentic researches in all spheres of agricultural sciences. Our priorities are to set out how transitions can be made: at farm, community, regional, national and international levels, and across whole supply chains. General. Be at the forefront of scientific communications. Issues per year. International Journal of Agriculture (IJA) is a speedy reviewed journal published by IPRJB.IJGA aims at advancing agriculture in all its areas that include arid soil research and rehabilitation, agriculture genomics ,stored product research ,tree fruit production, agronomy ,weed biology, pesticide science ,post-harvest biology and technology. Address: [go: up one dir, main page] Remove Scripts Accept Cookies Show Images Show Referer Rotate13 Base64 Strip Meta Strip Title . International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences (IJANS) is a peer-reviewed international journal indexed in: Zoological Record (Web of Science Group) Academic Resource Index (Research Bib), Asos Index CAB Abstracts Google Scholar IJANS welcomes article submissions and does not charge any article submission or processing charges . Agriculture & Food Sciences; Business, Management & Economics; Biomedical & Life Science . Step 2: Click "Submit to Journal" on the left menu under the button "Submission". Improve your chances of getting published in International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences with Researcher.Life. The screenshot (or) receipt of Submission Fee payment is attached (without this, the article will not be considered for . the " international journal of agricultural and applied sciences (ijaas) (issn 2582-8053) " is a peer-reviewed international academic journal, providing a solid platform to all academicians, practicing managers, researchers, and those who are engaged in global current issues and trends in agricultural and applied sciences for publishing basic and international journal of agricultural and statistical sciences is a biannual peer-reviewed journal devoted to publish original research/review articles in all fields of agricultural and statistical sciences.the aim of the journal is to promote research and development in the fields of agricultural, applied agricultural and statistical sciences Based on 2020, SJR is 0.194. IJANS, originally established in 2008, was known as the Tarim Bilimleri Arastirma Dergisi (TABAD) from 2008-2018. Publisher country is . IJAIR NAAS Score : 3.99 (2016 - 2020) "Submissions Open For Vol. international journal of agricultural and statistical sciences Luglio 2, 2022 da is dollar shave club woke / sabato, 02 Luglio 2022 / Pubblicato il best time to visit dolomites IJRAS is an international academic online journal which gains a foothold in India, Asia . Record, verify, and showcase your peer review contributions in a format you can include in job and funding applications (without breaking reviewer anonymity). Page numbering should be avoided. Socio-economics of agricultural development, 9. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the time-series impact of globalised economy on environment in India since the economic and fiscal reforms of 1991. The International Journal of Agricultural Science is an open access journal. It publishes original scientific work related to strategic, applied and interdisciplinary studies in all aspects of agricultural science and exploited species, as well as reviews of scientific topics of current agricultural relevance. Authors must follow the instructions for authors strictly, failing which the manuscripts would be rejected without review. Articles - Agricultural Sciences - SCIRP It aims to promote the research in the feild of agriculture. Agricultural Sciences Journals. The method to calculate the impact factor of International Journal of Agricultural Sciences is as follows. NSK/0000118/2021) Publishes Food and Agriculture Spectrum Journal (FASJ) ISSN- 2582-7545 as open access, peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the promotion of research in Food, Agriculture sciences, and allied fields. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics considers review and research articles related to: Vedic Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory, Real functions, Measure and integration, Functions of a complex variable, Several complex variables and analytic spaces, Ordinary differential equations, Partial differential equations, Dynamical . Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Journal and Association. IJA.ZONE/0975113. FAQs; Guidelines; Login/Register . International Journal of Agricultural Sciences ISSN 2167-0447 is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, short communications and reviews. Agriculture was the key improvement in the Annals of Bangladesh agriculture are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial International In any medium or format, adapt remix, transform, and educational articles in all of. 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