. 5. ( call the kit up to you ) This is a proud day for ( clan name ), by naming apprentices we show ( clan name ) will survive and remain strong. I like the theory that the clans are made of supernatural cats that have the brain capacity of people, so in my eyes, they age like us. Apprentices are Clan cats six moons or older, training to be a warrior (or sometimes a medicine cat) under a mentor. The warrior cats series is an amazing series that takes you into the world of cats that live divided into four clans. Once a kit is six moons old, they're ready to become an apprentice. Warriors can be any age between 1 year and 6 months to 8 years. Ancient cats have a prefix and suffix separated by a space, so their name is two words. How do apprentices become warriors? The leader is responsible for everything that goes on in a Clan. Most apprentices just have the suffix "-kit" taken off their name and replaced with "-paw", but in special . The word of the Clan leader is law, proclaimed by the warrior code, and all other Clan cats must obey them. His nephew was old enough to be an apprentice and was given to Fireheart to train. During the ceremony, the cat's suffix is changed to "paw" from "kit". What is apprentice training? Warrior Cat Age System: Info: Worked hard on this: Info: Free to use: . See our mega list of over 1,000 warrior cat name ideas. Fallen Leaves - Drowned after getting trapped in the tunnels. Bright Stream - Carried off and presumably killed by a hawk. "I love you . Their personality is the same as their Clan's and describes how his/her Clanmates treat others. So it is safe that Apprentices can range from ages 6 months, to 1 year and 6 months. Warrior/Med- 12 to 180 and more moons. Cats are considered Adults when they reach 1 year old, but Apprentices normally train for a year before becoming a warrior. Cat Years Human Years Moons; 20: 2 Years 5 Months: 29 Moons: 25: 3 Years: 36 Moons: 30: 3 Years, 7 Months: 43 Moons: 35: Medicine cat apprentices can either personally seek out the leader and medicine cat to ask about becoming a medicine cat, or StarClan will send dreams or prophecies to decide on which cat should become the next medicine cat. His best friend Graystripe comes back from RiverClan and joins ThunderClan again. Using a character from the books, or your OC, either you know how many moons old they are, or you just make it up. . Normally by age 8 or 9, cats begin to show age and are considered old on . It also contains Su Susann's "Missing Kits". A leader is a warrior who is highest in the Clan Hierarchy. Apprentices are Clan cats six moons or older, training to be a warrior (or sometimes a medicine cat) under a mentor. Deputies are second in . Be proud: Apprentices are the future of the warrior cats. Queens :: 19 moons - 180+ moons Graymist-grey she-cat, with white patches, sister to Willowshine. Leaders of clans have the suffix, 'Star'. Deputy: Pebblefoot-Dark grey she-cat. Teach them to never give up and to always fight for what they believe in. Leader: All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting. Warriors Mossyfur-grey she-cat, with a brown and white tail. Also, when the leader is ill or unable to perform their duties, the deputy will take the leader's place until they recover, and they will take their place at Gatherings if the leader is absent and cannot attend. All apprentices' names end with the suffix "-paw" (i.e., Lionpaw, Breezepaw, Leafpaw) which symbolizes the path their paws are on, until they receive their warrior name. When a warrior, queen, deputy, or medicine cat wishes to retire, an elder ceremony is held. RiverClan Leader: Reedstar-Silver tom. A deputy is a warrior who is second in command to the leader, aiding him/her in their tasks and replacing them immediately after their death or retirement. An Apprentice Ceremony is when a kit is ready to start training as an apprentice. Medcat: Willowshine-silver/grey she-cat, with white patches. If the number was 47, use the 4 and find which numbers it is between. They were in the cavern. Dark Whiskers - Blown from a ledge during a snowstorm. [15] Sometimes a cat must retire early for reasons beyond their control (for instance a wound, loss of sight, any other disability, etc). Warning: Includes Many Spoilers For Warriors This list does not included leader individual lives. [16] 13+ Content Disclaimer: The use digital artwork in my speedpaints is simply a creative choice to tell a story and give a visual for a scene, and not intended. Apprentice- 6 to 12 moons. The first 6 moons of a cat's life seem to be covering ages 0 to 11. Smokepaw looked at Rushingpaw, her one true love. ( kit's name ), from now on until you receive your warrior name you will be . Leaders are the head of their Clan. Use our warrior cats name generator to create a unique warrior cat name. In the warriors books, apprentice training is when the mentors (warriors chosen to teach the apprentices) train the apprentices to fight in the area for that purpose . By the warrior cat code, this is to be done when the cat is 6 moons (months) old, and no eariler. The Clan leader calls a Clan Meeting, so they can give the apprentice their new name and mentor. Thunderclan, Windclan, Riverclan and Shadowclan. Apprentices need to be tough in order to survive. Medicine cat apprentices do not adhere to the usual training ages as a warrior's apprentice. Cats over the age of 6 months (or apprentices) have the suffix, 'Paw'. How old is 4 moons in warrior cats? While these books provide the reader with adventures and quests that the main characters go on through, it also involves much drama and violence. An apprentice becomes a warrior once their mentor or Clan leader thinks they have learned enough or proved they are worthy of becoming warriors. Be tough: The life of a warrior cat is not easy. Be proud of their accomplishments and show them that you believe in their potential. Warrior apprentice ceremony. When they become an apprentice, their name ends with the "-paw" suffix. 4. An example would be Snowfur's apprentice ceremony: Pinestar: "Bluekit and . Fluttering Bird - Starvation. Broken Feather - Starvation. At the end of the book, Tigerclaw is then Tigerstar, leader of ShadowClan. . Tigerstar had set a pack of dogs on ThunderClan so Fireheart thought of leading them over the gorge to their . Apprentices are Clan cats six moons or older, training to be a warrior (or sometimes a medicine cat) under a mentor. An elder is usually an elderly cat who wishes to rest and not do warrior duties any more due to their old age. Firestar is a ginger tabby tom with green eyes. Cat to Human Age Chart. Three simple words whisked out of her mouth. Shaded Moss . I view kits as 0-11 years old, apprentices as 12-18 years old, warriors are 19-40 years old, senior warriors are 41-60 years and elders are 61+. They have their own den and are . . Answer (1 of 4): A warrior cat apprentice ceremony is a ceremony held by a cat leader (___star) that turns kits into apprentices.
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