For kg the original program calls for a 10kg increase on Base Week 2 and a 5kg increase for the week after (Base 3). by Serge Souprayen. Lunges and other split squat variations are recommended movements to maintain mobility. So I made it. Other . 1RM = 100kg, Monday = 6x6 70kg Mon 6 sets of 6 reps at 70% Wed 7 sets of 5 reps at 75% Fri 8 sets of 4 reps at 80% Sun 10 sets of. Week 1 W1D1: 6x6 w/ 290 lbs. The Smolov squat program. Smolov Jr. Squat And Bench Program. Mentality: When you get to the real 'nitty gritty' of Smolov, your mental strength will be tested to its limit. If you calculate too heavy, you have a high chance of failing, or injury (use in the included . Enter your 1 rep max and let the app calculate the workouts for you. There are plenty of Smolov Jr spreadsheets available, but we feel a calculator like this is easier . Look for popular rankings and useful iPhone apps! ( NOTE: This program can be VERY difficult to complete) This Russian squat cycle has also been used by many for other lifts such as the bench press, shoulder press and deadlift with big . In week 2, you perform 3 sets of 3 repetitions at 80%, 85% and 90%. Smolov Jr is a 3 week training routine derived from the "base mesocycle" of the Smolov Russian squat routine. Switch to this program once you're stuck/bored with Stronglifts 55. The full Smolov cycle is 13 weeks (training 3-4 days a week), the Smolov Jr. will be 3 weeks (training 4 days a week) Like said before, this program is not easy (to say the least) and if you have little experience in weightlifting, this program is not for you (yet) There are quite a few resources online about the program, but I used Smolov JR. The four phases are: Phase In A two-week phases that uses a variation of squats and lunges. Enter your one rep max and the week-to-week weight increment you plan on using and the tables above will populate with the weights for you to use throughout the program. The fifth week only has one training session that builds to 4 sets of 4 reps @ 85% before 3 full days of rest. Hi guys, todays video I go into detail about the results I got from doing the FULL 13 week Russian Smolov squat program for my first time. You will re-test your 1 repetition maximum at the end of this cycle. It focuses purely on building your squat. Smolov - Russian Squat RoutineThe legendary Russian Squat routine that can boost your Squat by up to 100 pounds in 13 we. After this three week routine, many lifters report a significant increase in their lifting capacity - as much as 35 lbs for their dead lift and . After those rest days, you will test your final new 1RM in the squat. Most people use 5 to 10 lbs. Smolov Jr. Calculator. Generates a 3 week workout based on your current 1 rep maximum The Smolov Jr is a 3 week routine/rep scheme (although many have stretched it out to 4 or even 6 weeks). Home; . Smolov Squat ProgramSmolov is the number one app for calculating, tracking , and logging your Smolov Squat Program worko You can find all the iPhone iPad apps here. But to get the most out of your squat cycle, I would focus on the squatting and just WOD depending on how you recover. This app calculates the weights you should use, based on your one rep max, for the 3-week Smolov Jr. and 13-week Full Smolov Squat protocols. Not to mention that a significant number of people end up not completing these programmes this can be down to a number of reasons. I would suggest though, run smolov intense for squats with smolov junior for bench, but spread smolov junior to coincide with the intense. Smolov Jr is a powerful, three week fitness program based on the Russian Smolov routine, but tailored to be less strenuous and more versatile. . the 3-week Smolov Jr. and 13-week Full Smolov Squat protocols. I share some of th. The Smolov squat program is a training program designed to boost your squat strength as fast as possible. As you can see above, Soiren's template asks for 110%. The program outlines precisely how much weight you should lift in every set based on a percentage of either your . Stop using old school spreadsheets and print out. To make it easier on yourself try using the Smolov app to track your program. It's less difficult than the similar base cycle of the full Smolov and is better suited to more lifts (e.g., it works well for bench). It is further divided into 5 different phases. The weight you squat is always a percentage of your one-rep max, or 1rm (see our calculator if you don't know it); Weeks 4 and 5 add specific poundages to that percentage. Instead of setting an increment up front, I decided to change it after each week, depending on difficulty. Wednesday. As for WODs and squatting. Print out the resulting document and follow the repetition and weight scheme exactly. The app. . The Smolov squat program is 13 weeks long and split into the following 5 phases: phase in, base cycle, switching phase, intense cycle, and taper week. This app calculates your numbers based on your 1-RM entry and you're good to go. Appsuke! Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Take a 3 week break from squat work, test your NEW RM, enter it in the box below and continue with the program. With this Smolov Jr. Calculator you can generate a 3 week Smolov Jr. cycle. Step 1. Week 2 Day 1 - Monday Warm Up Squats 1 x 5 @ 80% Day 2 - Tuesday Warm Up Squats 1 x 5 @ 82.5% Day 3 - Wednesday Warm Up Squats 1 x 5 @ 85% Day 4 - Thursday Leg and Hip Stretches Day 5 - Friday Leg and Hip Stretches Day 6 - Saturday Leg and Hip Stretches The long-form and default Smolov program is designed to take you through 13 weeks of intensive training, usually for the squat, and consists of four weekly training sessions. If you want to jack on a fair bit on your squat in 4 weeks and do nothing but bend at the knees and stand up again this 4 weeks programme should do the trick! calculates the weights you should use, based on your one rep max, for. Start with this training program if you've never lifted weights before, never did the main exercises, or haven't lifted weights in a long time. There is, however, a shorter but equally intense program lasting just three weeks . Perform the 13 weeks of our modified Smolov squat program without taking time off between phases. The final week involves a strength retest. Ed Coan , arguably the GOAT of powerlifting, has a few popular programs floating around, including the Coan Phillipi Deadlift Routine. It is very effective and used by many powerlifters, using . Smolov Base Cycle - Cast Iron Strength. Update: I just added a sheet that calculates the Smolov Jr Program (choose the "Smolov Jr" bottom tab). You are to perform a squat one-rep max test again but this time, you should be capable of lifting an extra 25 - 45 pounds. Smolov is the brutal russian squat routine that can add 100 pounds to your squat in 13 weeks. Unlike the original program, Smolov Jr is much shorter than the original routine and runs for just 3 weeks - not 13. Since that time I also became familiar with another Russian strength method, the Smolov Squat Routine. If you have experience lifting weights, start with this program instead of Stronglifts 55. A 4 week intensive squat cycle this is just one part of the larger infamous 13 week squat specialization cycle. Smolov Squat Calculator free download - Smolov Squat Program, Smolov - Russian Squat Routine, Ship Squat Calculator, and many more programs Easi The Smolov Squat Program, often shortened to "Smolov," is a 13-week weightlifting program designed to increase your squat strength. Adjust them to your needs. In week two, you must look to add 20 pounds and in week three, you are expected to add an extra 10 pounds to that. Using a percentage based system, your numbers are calculated off of a one rep max and laid out as follows: Day 1 = 4 sets of 9 reps Day 2 = 5 sets of 7 reps Day 3 = 7 sets of 5 reps Day 4 = 10 sets of 3 reps Five kilograms are added to your one-rep max each week and the same set up is performed again. However, I can't load it onto this page. Week 3 will be 3 sets of 5 repetitions at 75%, 85% and 95%. Projected gains from Smolov range from 40-100 pounds depending on how advanced you are. It was named after its creator and "Russian Master of Sport," Sergey Smolov, who reportedly used its principles to train the dominant Russian weightlifters of the mid-to-late twentieth century. See Full Disclosure. The Smolov intensity cycle is spread out over 6 weeks. To complete Smolov, you need to be inured to hard training to a certain degree and should be squatting relatively heavy weights twice a week at least. Based on my experience, I'd say that this program is primarily suited for the . Smolov is a 13 week weightlifting program used to increase your strength in the Bench Press or Back Squat. Smolov Jr is not for your squat. Saturday. It is further divided into 5 different phases. Rep schemes for each program are. If you were to. All weights are based as a percentage of your 1Rep Max e.g. Smolov Squat Program Smolov is broken down into five phases: Phase In - Weeks 1,2 Base Cycle - Weeks 3,4,5,6 Use the spreadsheet below to calculate the proper weights according to a recently tested max. How this works is as follows: In week 1 (wave 1), you will perform 3 sets of 5 repetitions at 75% of your 1RM squat, then 80%, then 85%. The original squat program article says that you should do 105% of your entry max at the end. The app also makes it easy to keep track of where you are in the cycle. It was popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline when he published it in a 2001 issue of Powerlifting USA. Smolov was created by the Russian master Sergey Smolov. My coach did hatch and WOD everyday regardless of squatting. Smolov Russian Squat Routine free download - Smolov Squat Calculator, Smolov Squat Program, Kettlebell Workout Routines - The Russian functional crossfit training, and many more programs Smolov Squat Calculator 4+ Wide Swath Research, LLC Designed for iPad #53 in Health & Fitness 3.5 24 Ratings $0.99 Screenshots iPad iPhone No more fiddling with spreadsheets and print outs at the gym. Smolov Squat Routine Calculator I could not find a calculator anywhere on the net that had the Smolov squat cycle, properly written up. Since I am currently torturing my weak legs with this thing I thought that maybe some of you want to join the fun. I used this calculator for smolov jr. You alternate between a moderately heavy workout where you lift 80 % of your 1RM for six sets of two reps and one workout that gets progressively heavier. Smolov Squat Program Calculator. This was a little boring at first. If you're doing the. To start for all programs, enter your current 1 rep max squat in the box labeled "Current 1RM" (top of the spreadsheet) in pounds or kilos; round to the nearest whole number. Hatch Squat Calculator The Hatch program is relatively simple, but to help you keep track of all of the lifting sessions - how many reps and sets and at what weight, we've created a simple online calculator that does all the work for you. Food / Drink. This Russian squat cy Apparently it's easier and can be used for a variety of lifts. The Russian Squat Routine is a six-week-long training program, where you train three times per week. The smolov squat program consists of a routine that sustains for 13 weeks. The Russian Squat routine is a fairly well known and popular 6 week peaking phase for squats, however it shares some problems with programmes like smolov it's pretty hard to train other heavy lifts if your doing an intense squatting cycle 3-4x a week. Introduction to the Smolov Squat Routine. Here is the article describing the masters version. Is A Shortened Version Of The Smolov Squatting Protocol. The Smolov Squat Program consists of a routine that sustains for 13 weeks. Simply type in your current 1-repetition maximum into the space below, then click on the "generate program" button. Six weeks of squatting three days a week: the first three weeks systematically building the volume, followed by three weeks of tapering down the volume whilst ramping up the intensity to a max. The first four weeks consist of a significant amount of volume, much of it between 80% and 95% of your squat 1RM. Smolov is the number one app for calculating, tracking , and logging your Smolov Squat Program workouts. This app calculates the weights you should use, based on your one rep max, for the 3-week Smolov Jr. and 13-week Full Smolov Squat protocols. also makes it easy to keep track of where you are in the cycle. Stronglifts 55. Base Cycle A 4-week segment which requires 4 squat sessions a week. . The routine is as follows: Week 1 (SETSxREPSxWEIGHT) Mon - 6x6x70%. The squat routine is a strength program broken down into four phases which last for a total of 13 weeks. Madcow 55. Smolov - Russian Squat Routine (9 Similar Apps & 148 Reviews) vs Smolov Squat Calculator (10 Similar Apps & 101 Reviews). Smolov program - Base mesocycle. I did Smolov Jr, which was 4 days per week. As always, programs are just a starting point. Arguably one of the most difficult squat routines around, the full Smolov demands 13 weeks, 3 and 4 days per week, high volume, heavy weights, high and low repetitions, and some squat days back-to-back! So, it's gonna be different for everyone. such as the bench press, shoulder press and deadlift with big jumps in.
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